Our waiting list will remain open for those aged 14 and over (including adults). However, as we’ll be unable to open any of our other sessions to significant numbers of new members, our waiting list for those aged under 14, which currently consists of over 100 names, will remain closed until further notice.
To be able to increase the number of under 14 places in the club we need more volunteers to be trained and assist at session. The positions include coaches, safety cover and lifeguards. If you are already qualified, or are committed to training and volunteering please contact us.
We will review this decision when we return to the pool in the Autumn and post an update on our website and public social media channels (@ChristchurchLSC).
Please note that we will be unable to hold your son/ daughters details or reserve them waiting list spaces until it re-opens and once it does, we will be unable to accept anyone under the age of 6. The minimum age of admittance to the Club remains to be 7.