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Nipper Beach Competitions 

Every Summer the Club competes in four Nipper Beach Competitions, three of these competitions are called 'Nipper Carnivals', the fourth is dubbed the 'Nipper Championships', although the name is different all four of these competitions have the same events and are designed to be fun, engaging and a perfect introduction to Surf Lifesaving Competitions for Nippers who are yet to try their hand at competing.


The Nipper competitions consist of a surf swim, a board, the golden nipper, beach flags, 1km run, pairs board rescue, team board relay, surf relay, beach sprint relay. Nippers will only compete with other Nipper their own age. For example; an eight year old will never compete against an 11 year old.


There is no compulsion for a Nipper to compete in every event.


Nipper Ocean Events

For all Nipper ocean events:​

  • At the start of the race Nippers will be told the rules, expectations and course, they will then line up with toes behind the starting line.

  • There will be no pushing or deliberate interference of other Nippers. 

  • The Starter will say, “Take your marks - set” and then blow a whistle. A false start will be re-called by a number of blasts on the whistle.

  • The finish is judged on the competitor’s chest crossing the finishing line.

Surf Swim

The age categories for this event are 8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs. This is an individuals event.

Nipper Charge to The water in the Surf Swim

At the start of the race Nippers will be told the rules, expectations and course, they will then line up with toes behind the starting line.


The starter will start the race.


Nippers will swim right hand (clockwise) around the markers.


Nippers may dolphin dive and body surf as much as they wish to help themselves on their return to shore.


A Nipper has finished the race is determined when they cross the line between the two finishing posts.


The finish is judged on the competitor’s chest crossing the finishing line.


The age categories for this event are 8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs. This is an individuals event.

Nipper Charge to The water in the Board race

Nippers are lined up with toes behind the marker line, holding onto their boards.


They will be told the course prior to the start of the race.


The starter will start the race.


The Nippers will carry their board into the sea, get on and paddle around the course.


Nippers must paddle right hand (clockwise) around the marker buoys.


A Nipper has finished the race is determined when they cross the line with their board between the two finishing posts.

Surf Relay

The age categories for this event are 8-9yrs, 10-11yrs, 12-13yrs. This is group event.

Nipper Charge to The water in the Surf Relay

Swimmers start on the start line for the swim leg.

The starter will start the race.


Once the swimmer comes out the water the Nipper runs around both turning flags to tag a board paddler who is waiting close to the water. The tag must take place on the change-over line (Tag 1). 


The board paddler finishes their leg and then tags a runner who is waiting close to the water (Tag 2).


The runner then runs around the first turning flag and continues direct to the finish line. The board paddler does not need to be in contact with the board when the tag is made (i.e. once the competitor has turned the last marker buoy he/she may lose contact with the board).

The tag may take place at any point at the discretion of the team, providing it is made before the runner reaches the first turning flag.


The finish is judged on the chest of the third Nipper as they cross the finish line. They must be in an upright position and on their feet.

Golden Nipper

The age categories for this event are 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs. This is an individuals event.

Nipper Charge to The water in the Golden Nipper

Nippers will be told the expectations and course and at the start they will line up with toes behind the line.


The Starter will start the race.


Nippers to swim right hand (clockwise) around the two markers.


Nippers may dolphin dive and body surf as much as they wish to help themselves on their return to shore.


After rounding the two markers they will then return to the beach where they will run around the two flags before picking up their board and entering the water for the board leg.

After rounding the final marker buoy the Nipper may leave their board anywhere (so long as it does not cause an obstruction to other competitors) and enter the final run phase.


The Nipper completes the course by running through the two finish flags. The finish is judged on the competitor’s chest crossing the finishing line.

Board Relay

The age categories for this event are 8-9yrs, 10-11yrs, 12-13yrs. This is a group event.

Nipper Charge to The water in the Board Relay

The first leg Nippers are lined up with toes behind the marker line, holding onto their boards.


The starter will start the race.


The first leg Nipper will carry their board into the sea, get on and paddle around the course.


Nippers must paddle right hand (clockwise) around the marker buoys.


The Nipper may then leave their board (anywhere after rounding the buoys).


They run around the two turning flags and tag the second Nipper who is on the designated board changeover line.

A tag is visibly touching the hand or body of the Nipper. vii. The race is repeated until the third Nipper completes the course and finishes between the two finish flags (green).


This is determined when the third Nipper crosses the finishing line between the finish flags. The finish is judged on the competitor’s chest crossing the finishing line.

Board Rescue

The age categories for this event are 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs. This is a pairs event.

Nippers heading out to their casualties in the board rescue

The board paddlers are lined up with toe behind the marker line, holding onto their boards while the swimmers are taken out (or can swim) to the buoy.


On the signal, the rescuer paddles out and goes around the first buoy.


They pick up their Patient anywhere on the seaward side of the two buoys.


The Patient can be in any position on the board.


The finish is determined when the first of the pair cross the finishing line between the finish flags.


The finish is judged on the competitor’s chest crossing the finishing line.

Both competitors must be in contact with the board.

Nipper Beach Events

1km Beach Run

The age categories for this event are 8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs. This is an individuals event.

The start of the nipper beah competition 1km run

Nippers can use any stance they wish to start.


The starting sequence will be the same as for the beach sprint.


The finish shall be judged on the chest of the Nipper as they cross the line. 


The Nipper must be in an upright position and on their feet.

Beach Sprint Relays

The age categories for this event are 8-9yrs, 10-11yrs, 12-13yrs. This is a group event.

Beah Sprint Relays

Upon the Starters command “Take your marks - set”, the Nippers will take up their positions on the start line with toes on or behind the line.


They can take any stance they wish for the start.


On the command from the Starter “Set”, the Nippers will assume a racing start posture. When all the Nippers are stationary then the Starter will give an acoustic starting signal.


If a Nipper moves between the “Set” and start signal, it shall be called as a false start. They can be recalled by a number of blasts.


The first Nipper will run with the baton and hand it over to the second Nipper.

The Nipper coming in to exchange the baton must carry the baton all the way to the change-over line (the baton may not be thrown to the next Nipper).


The Nippers receiving the baton on the first, second, and third exchange can be moving while taking the baton, but will be disqualified if any part of their body or hands cross the change over line before taking possession of the baton from the incoming Nipper.


If the baton is dropped then the Nipper may recover the baton and continue with the race. This also applies at any other stage of the race.

Beach Flags

The Jewel in the Crown of Surf Lifesaving Sport.

The age categories for this event are 8-9yrs, 10-11yrs, 12-13yrs. This is a group event.

Beach Flags

There shall be one fewer flags than Nippers.


Competitors lie face down with their toes on the start line with heels together, hands on top of each other with fingertips to wrist and with the head up.


Elbows to be 90 degrees to the body’s mid line and hips and stomach should be in contact with the sand.


The body’s mid-line should be 90 degrees to the start line. No scooping of the sand or digging, or digging in of the feet is permitted.


On the Starter’s “competitors ready” command, competitors shall assume the starting position as described.


On the Starter’s “heads down” command, competitors – at once and without delay – shall place their chins on their hands.


After a deliberate pause and when all competitors are stationary, the Starter shall signal the start with a whistle blast.


At the start signal, competitors shall rise to their feet and race to obtain a baton.


Nippers are not allowed to pick up more than one baton.


Lifting any part of the body from the sand, or commencing any starting motion after the Starter’s “heads down” command and prior to the start signal will be called as a false start.


The general false start rules apply.


If a Nipper is disqualified or eliminated, the remaining Nippers and batons shall be realigned with no re-draw of positions. The run-through shall continue with the current starting infringement in force until a fair start is effected.


Deliberate Impedance


A Nipper will be disqualified if they deliberately impede another Nipper.


Deliberate impedance is defined as the deliberate use of hands, arms, feet or legs to impede another Nipper.


A Nipper may use his or her body or negotiate their shoulder and body in front of another in order to improve their position to obtain a flag but may not use hands, arms, feet or legs to obtain or remain in this position.


If a Nipper legally obtains this front position and maintains normal running action, the competitor behind is obliged to go around the competitor in front.


A competitor may cross over in front of a slower competitor. v. If two or more competitors are guilty of deliberate impedance, the competitor who first used hands, arms, feet or legs will be disqualified.

©2023 by Christchurch Life Saving Club.

Reg. Charity No. 1035933

Affiliated to Surf Life Saving GB

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